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NLP coach on the North Shore

Are you looking for a competent and dedicated NLP coach? At Vertex, we are proud to offer a neurolinguistic programming (NLP) coaching service. Our tailored approach encompasses several techniques, including hypnosis, NLP, positive psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness and polyvagal theory. Take the first step towards a more fulfilled and balanced life. Our experts are here to guide you every step of the way.

Image représentant le fonctionnement du cerveau humain

Why consult a NLP coach?

Our coaches are certified NLP professionals with several years of experience. They have mastered the latest and most effective techniques to provide you with high-quality support.

Several reasons can justify interventions in neurolinguistic programming. Here are the most frequent reasons for consultation:

  • Stress and anxiety management
  • Pain
  • Management of emotions
  • Improving quality of sleep
  • Psychosomatic disorders
  • Addictions
  • Strengthening self-esteem
  • Relations interpersonnelles
  • Improving communication
  • Improving athletic performance

A personalized approach

Discover the benefits of NLP coaching

What is NLP?

Experiences since childhood influence the way we think, feel and act. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) makes it possible to recode these experiences to obtain better results. NLP uses the relationship between neurological activity and language, in particular, to improve communication and reorganize our internal programming.

Une clé accrochée à un arbre, symbolisant la clé du bien-être
Femme prenant de grandes respirations pour gérer son stress et ses émotions

When the mind affects the body

Psychosomatic illnesses often appear when suffering and negative emotions are contained. The person then expresses through the body their discomfort, their stress or even their anger and sadness.

Somatiser désigne ce phénomène inconscient par lequel une personne exprime son angoisse dans et par son corps. Sa souffrance psychologique « déménage » dans son corps qui devient alors source de douleur. L’anxiété, les pensées déconnectées ou obsessionnelles, le stress ou d’autres formes de problèmes psychiques peuvent être déversés sur le corps, créant des maux d’estomac, des maux de tête, des douleurs dorsales et cervicales, des problèmes articulaires, des problèmes respiratoires et autres symptômes.

En améliorant la communication entre l’esprit et le corps, la PNL favorise le bien-être et réduit l’impact des maladies psychosomatiques.

What is polyvagal theory?

From our first breath, we embark on a lifelong quest: to feel safe in our bodies, in our environment and in our relationships with others.

The autonomous nervous system is our personal surveillance system, always on guard, always asking “am I safe?” ". Its goal is to protect us by assessing safety and risk, by listening at every moment to what is happening in and around our body, as well as the connections we have with others.

Une femme qui se cache le visage et qui se sent dépassée

La théorie polyvagale de Stephen Porgès valide l’importance du système nerveux autonome dans nos réactions de sécurité et de survie face aux menaces. Elle met également en avant son rôle crucial dans la thérapie pour traiter les traumatismes.


The benefits of a regulated nervous system

With a regulated nervous system, the body can function normally, but it can also repair, regenerate and heal itself. We feel confident and secure, which allows us to adapt, react and manage stressful incidents that may happen to us.

Nervous system regulation

Go from stress to serenity.

Your well-being, our priority

Vertex unites a multidisciplinary team focused on your health and well-being. Our NLP coaches work and collaborate with osteopaths, physiotherapists, acupuncteurs, naturopaths, occupational therapists, psychologists, et autres professionnels, afin de vous offrir les meilleurs soins. Nous avons également développé une spécialisation en gestion des concussions and in neuroperformance. Au plaisir de vous accueillir au sein de notre clinique à Mirabel, sur la Rive-Nord, dans les Laurentides!

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