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The osteopath has a profound knowledge of the human anatomy. Instead of treating just the symptoms, they are interested in the source of the problem causing your discomfort.

Do you have headaches or discomfort related to digestive issues, discomfort related to your neck, back, or other joints? Do you feel tension following a surgery? A treatment in osteopathy allows the body to restore its natural balance.


What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy that aims to improve the human body's mobility. The treatments allow a better vascularization and to reduce tensions that could provoke discomfort or inflammation. It is a thorough and global approach that allows an in depth treatment.

Jeune fille recevant un soin en ostéopathie

Why consult an osteopath?

Osteopathic treatments can help to relieve different problems, such as :

  • Chronic discomfort
  • Sports injuries
  • Discomfort related to digestive issues
  • Migraines
  • Sleep related problems
  • Respiratory related problems

Osteopathy can also help reduce inflammation, headaches, pressure in the eyes, dizziness, brain fog, as well as improve the quality of sleep in cases concussion. The benefits can help everyone : pregnant women, athletes, kids and the elderly.

Get care tailored to your needs.

Discover the benefits of osteopathy.

How does an osteopathy session work?

An osteopathy session generally starts with an in depth discussion with the osteopath. The osteopath will take the time to ask you questions about your medical history, your lifestyle, your dietary habits, and other factors that could have an impact on your general health.

After, the osteopath will proceed with a full assessment with the objective of assessing the person's posture, the body's mobility and musculoskeletal tensions. The combination of precise palpation skills and a global vision of the human anatomy allows the osteopath to determine the source of the discomfort, that can sometimes be elsewhere in the body and not necessarily directly where the functional problem is located.

From these observations, the osteopath will elaborate a personalized treatment approach that can include gentle mobilizations and stretches that aim to relieve discomfort, reduce inflammation and improve articular and soft tissu mobility. These gentle techniques can vary according to the person's needs and state of health.

During the treatment, you may feel a light pressure or slight sensation of tension during the mobilizations, but this should not be painful. The osteopath can also give you advice on exercises to do at home and other ways to maintain your general health and mobility.

Osteopathic care is made to be a relaxing and non invasive experience that aims to restore your body's natural equilibrium and improve your general well-being.

À noter que les rencontres se déroulent au sein de nos bureaux à Mirabel, près de Saint-Jérôme, dans la région des Laurentides. Nous acceptons les dossiers des tiers payeurs : IVAQ, ACC (anciens combattants), assureurs privés.

Kyla Demers, ostéopathe, prodiguant un soin d’ostéopathie à un jeune homme

When should I consult an osteopath?

In general, it is advised to consult an osteopath as soon as you feel discomfort, a persistent tension that is affecting your quality of life or if you are in need of rehabilitative care.

The sooner you seek care, the less likely it is that your health condition will deteriorate and you will become more resistant to discomfort in the futur.

L’ostéopathie peut être utilisée en complément à d’autres formes de traitements, telles que la physiotherapy, l’acupuncture ou la médecine traditionnelle.

You wish to consult an osteopath?

It would be a pleasure to welcome you at our clinic in Mirabel, in the Laurentians.

Your well-being is our priority

The Vertex  réunit sous un même toit plusieurs professionnels de la santé. Tous travaillent en collaboration afin de vous offrir des soins adaptés à vos besoins. Plusieurs services vous sont offerts: neuroperformance, coaching PNL, ergothérapie, naturopathie, psychologie, réadaptation visuo-vestibulaire et plus encore. Votre bien-être est au cœur de nos priorités.

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