Athletic therapy

What is an athletic therapist?
The certified athletic therapist specializes in the prevention, evaluation, rehabilitation and physical reconditioning as well as management of musculoskeletal injuries. This health care professional intervenes as much with athletes as with individuals who have had a surgery or a concussion.
Their scope of practice includes :
- Le traitement et la réadaptation de blessures musculosquelettiques pour un retour rapide à l’activité et au sport
- The identification, assessment and treatment of acute injuries
- The prevention of musculoskeletal injuries : sprains, strains, pain, inflammation
- Reconditioning and physical training : posture, strength, endurance, agility
- The evaluation, management and rehabilitation of concussions and visual-vestibular deficits
- The preseason (baseline) assessments for athletes
Vertex unites a multidisciplinary team focused on your health and well-being. Consult an athletic therapist in our Mirabel offices, on the north shore in the Laurentians.
Recognized efficiency
The athletic therapist uses specialized rehabilitation techniques. In the case of cervical tension or chronic pain, for example, they can use manual therapy techniques or recommend exercises. They can also assess the vestibular system which includes balance, proprioception and reaction time. Many people consult athletic therapists because of their expertise in the management and rehabilitation of concussions.
The athlete's ally
Dans les sports de contact et à haut risque de chute, comme le football, le hockey, le soccer, le ski alpin, la planche à neige et la gymnastique, il est recommandé de procéder à une évaluation de dépistage en présaison (baseline) pour les commotions et les blessures musculosquelettiques. Le thérapeute du sport est la référence en ce domaine.

Prevention, assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries
Come see how our athletic therapists can help you.Post-operative rehabilitation
Whether its a surgery involving the shoulder, the anterior crutiate ligament (ACL), a ruptured Achilles tendon or a patellar-femoral syndrome, an athletic therapist can help you restore your mobility and strength.
Athletic therapy consultations are covered by insurance
Toute compagnie d’assurance au Québec couvre les consultations en thérapie du sport. Si cela n’est pas indiqué sur votre couverture, demandez à votre employeur d’en faire l’ajout. Une petite action au service de plusieurs! À noter que nous acceptons les dossiers des tiers payeurs (anciens combattants – ACC).