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Massage therapy

Massage therapy plays a key role in physical and mental well-being. At Vertex, we provide you with a team of qualified massage therapists, specialized in various therapeutic techniques to meet your needs.

Whether it's to relieve joint or muscle pain, improve your mobility or simply relax, our massage therapy services are designed to offer you personalized and effective care.

Massothérapeute en action lors d’une séance de massothérapie

What is massage therapy?

La massothérapie est une thérapie manuelle qui consiste en l’application de pression, de vibration, de pétrissage et de frottement sur les tissus mous du corps, tels que; les muscles, les tendons, les fascias et la peau. Il existe différents types de massothérapie.

At Vertex, our massage therapists offer :

  • Therapeutic and sports massage
  • Massage for pregnant women
  • Massages without oil
  • Amma energy massages
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Reflexology services


Why consult a massage therapist?

Massage therapy helps reduce muscle, joint and chronic tensions, such as fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome and spasms.

Le massage peut améliorer la mobilité et la flexibilité des articulations du corps et des muscles, ce qui peut être particulièrement bénéfique pour les personnes souffrant d’arthrite, de troubles musculo-squelettiques ou de blessures.

This treatment technique can also improve blood and lymphatic circulation, reduce stress and anxiety and can also improve sleep.

As massage is for everyone, you can also have a massage for the sole purpose of relaxing and to promote your general and emotional well-being!

Experience the benefits of massage therapy.

Deep relief and relaxation

How does a massage therapy session take place?

The massage therapist will ask you questions about your health, medical history, and treatment preferences. They will give you a form to fill out to determine the areas to be treated. You will need to partially undress before lying on the table.

Bureau de consultation en massothérapie à la clinique Vertex, à Mirabel, dans les Laurentides

Various massage techniques can be used to give you a moment of relaxation. The therapist may use their hands, elbows and even forearms during the treatment. In some cases, the use of oil, lotion or balm is applied to facilitate movement. The maneuvers may be performed directly on the skin.

Différentes approches sont utilisées durant le soin afin de répondre aux besoins de notre clientèle. Notez qu’il se peut que l’on vous demande de changer de position pour traiter différentes zones de votre corps. À la fin du soin, vous pourrez observer une diminution de votre inconfort initial.

You may receive advice tailored to your needs, for prevention purposes.

Homme qui souffre de douleurs au dos

Quand avoir recours aux services d’un massothérapeute?

If you suffer from physical dysfunction and are looking to reduce discomfort, promote healing after an injury, or improve your sleep quality, therapeutic massage may be beneficial for you. It is important to consult a licensed professional to achieve optimal results.

You wish to consult a massage therapist?

It is with pleasure that we will welcome you to our clinic in Mirabel, on the North Shore, in the Laurentians. We accept files from third party payers: IVAQ, ACC (veterans), private insurers.

A team committed to your well-being

La  massothérapie peut être utilisée en combinaison à d’autres formes de traitement, telles que la physiotherapy, l’acupuncture, osteopathy, reflexology or traditional medicine. At Vertex, health professionals work collaboratively for your well-being. We also specialize in the treatment of concussions and in neuroperformance.

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